As always, a pleasure listening to another one of your creations.
You know, I am really glad to have come across you.
You have always delivered when it comes to inspiration.
I have meditated many times to your sounds, and have discovered some of the most important thoughts and ideas of my life listening to them. For that I call you gifted.
This piece drives the mind into high gear and tenses up any situation given. It tells a story that has no time to be told. A quick, precise, and well carried out rush.
However, personally, this is not quite my cup of tea when it comes to the theme of it.
I don't quite understand the mood of the song sometimes because it goes from a dark angry mood to a more happier tempo; The melody changes too drastically.
In a way it kind of makes it a twisted type of mood, so in all it's a great song.
Thank you.